Tax Assessor

Our Staff is frequently out in the field doing inspections please call 609-628-2011 ext: 330 to verify if we are in the office.


The Assessor’s office is committed to distributing the tax responsibility fairly and equitably for the property owners of The Township of Upper. Our office strives to provide excellence in public service in a courteous, timely and professional manner, while educating the public of the overall assessment process.


The Tax assessor is responsible to the property owners of the Township of Upper for the fair assessment of all property which results in the overall goal of distributing the tax burden equitably throughout the Township. New Jersey law requires that all property values be set as of each October 1st for the ensuing year. The Assessor works on behalf of the Township of Upper under the direction and supervision of the New Jersey Division of Taxation and the Cape May County Board of Taxation, (N.J.S.A 54:4-34). The Assessor is not involved with the total amount of tax collected nor the municipal budget. The tax rate for each municipality is calculated by The Cape May County Board of Taxation. The sum of the budget requirements needed each year, by all government entities, (Municipal, School, Library, Open Space, County and Special Fire District Tax) is divided by the total ratables for the district to determine the tax rate.

Appeals of Assessed Property Value

A taxpayer may file an assessment appeal with the County Board of Taxation on or before April 1 of each year. Forms may be obtained from the County Tax Administrator; Cape May County Board of Taxation (609) 465-1030 or from the County’s website.

Please note you can appeal your assessment ONLY not your TAXES. The appeal form must contain at least 3 USABLE sales. Sales of any distress will not be utilized in the appeal process.

Added/Omitted appeals can be filed with the County Tax Board on or before December 1 of each year. Forms may be obtained from the County Tax Administrator: Cape May County Board of Taxation (609)-465-1030 or from the State’s website.

For Senior Citizen or Disabled Person Deduction you must complete these two forms and return to the Tax Assessor’s Office: